“Gustavo Sosa is a dedicated scientist with a profound passion for plant sciences and biochemistry. His journey began with a degree in forest sciences followed by a Ph.D. in plant biochemistry and molecular biology. After completing two post-docs, including one at The Ohio State University, he immersed himself in the exploration of bio-agrochemicals within plants, aiming to discover solutions for the crop protection industry. Driven by a thirst for knowledge and a desire to make a tangible impact, Gustavo’s career trajectory was marked by perseverance and a willingness to embrace challenges. He started as a research assistant in various university labs, working alongside esteemed professors to broaden his understanding of biology. Through these experiences, he honed his skills and gradually transitioned into a leadership role. We at EliteX, are proud to introduce Gustavo Sosa as one of 20 Elite CEOs in 2024.”

READ MORE: https://theexecutivelens.com/journey-of-gustavo-sosa-from-research-to-entrepreneurship/